Genesis 1:1-5 The first day
Quite a few months ago, i was reading these verses in Genesis 1 and Father showed me something amazing! Ill take u step by step, verse by verse to give u a clear picture. Please take this back to Abba Father, as its a revelation but needs confirmation from Him, in your heart.
vs 1: 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth;'- He created us, in His image He created us.
vs 2: We are born evil, serving satan and this world, feeling empty and void. We try to live, we party, we lust after desires that do not fulfil...
"Darkness was over the face of the deep"... our hearts were covered with darkness. Yeshua (Jesus) told us we cannot serve 2 masters, (Matt 6:24) thereby challenging those, who did not follow YHVH's word, saying that they are serving their father, the devil (John 8:44)
"And the Spirit of Elohim (God) was moving on the face of the waters". His Spirit is all around us, and if we accept Him, He enters in. As Yeshua said, "See, I stand at the door and knock, and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I shall come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." (Rev 3:20)
From this point on, we live for Him, loving Him and following Him. To confirm this, John 8:12:
"I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life".
vs 3: "Let light come to be". He gives us His light as He shines from within us. John 8:12 tells us Yeshua's the light of the world.
As we give up our lives to serve Him, we find His everlasting life and His light shines through us. See Matt 16:25, Mark 8:34-35
This light doesnt come from within us, but as we follow Him and die to ourselves, His light can be shone through us.
vs 4: 'And Elohim (God) saw the light, that it was good. And Elohim seperated the light from the darkness.'
As we walk daily with Him, He teaches us the difference between light and darkness, good and evil, and convicting us about things we are doing wrong. In the beginning its vague in many areas, yet His Spirit and His word open our eyes to the difference more and more daily.
vs 5: 'And Elohim called the light 'day' and the darkness He called 'night'. And there came to be evening and morning, one day.'
What i felt Father telling me with this, is that He allowed the darkness to be. We made our decision way back in the garden of Eden to disobey Him, thereby knowing the difference between good and evil, opening our eyes to options: to disobey Him!
He did not take out the darkness, He allowed both light and night in our day and within us. Its called free choice: knowing the difference, He wants us to choose His light: His truth and love. We experience both great joy and great sadness. We experience things we dont always deserve, both blessings and curses. Unfortunately the consequence of our choice to take the apple with remain with us until we are restored to Him in New Jerusalem, where He shall be our light all the time.
There is where the revelation ended. It was not my time yet to understand the rest of the journey, as He shall walk through each stage with me, as with you each individually.
Now i have a challenge for you to research, especially if you love to seek His word:
Satan's horoscopes relate water to emotions. But what im now trying to find out is if verse 6, about how on day 2 YHVH seperates the waters from the waters, can indeed also be spiritual, implying how He works in our hearts and teaches us to guard our hearts. It sounds very possible, but is it scriptural?
Why am i saying this and why do i believe this? Because i feel that i have seen how Father has been working on my heart, in all areas of my life. I saw my friends move away (others simply drifted away) and Father's answer to this new loneliness was: I am your friend - He wanted to be my friend before all others, someone i would call on and to whose shoulder i would run to. I am still growing in this area, yet He opened doors again and even restored friendships.
When i read how YHVH seperated the waters from the waters, i felt He was telling me how to display my emotions. Not to be ashamed of my emotions (as i was), but to 'organize' them, and learning to respond with the correct intensity of emotion. So you tell me, after seeking scriptures, if you can answer my question: Does water have a spiritual relation to emotions - according to scripture?
Why am i saying this and why do i believe this? Because i feel that i have seen how Father has been working on my heart, in all areas of my life. I saw my friends move away (others simply drifted away) and Father's answer to this new loneliness was: I am your friend - He wanted to be my friend before all others, someone i would call on and to whose shoulder i would run to. I am still growing in this area, yet He opened doors again and even restored friendships.
When i read how YHVH seperated the waters from the waters, i felt He was telling me how to display my emotions. Not to be ashamed of my emotions (as i was), but to 'organize' them, and learning to respond with the correct intensity of emotion. So you tell me, after seeking scriptures, if you can answer my question: Does water have a spiritual relation to emotions - according to scripture?
Now if you read on, what has intriqued me is that on the third day, vs 11:
'And Elohim said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the plant that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to it kind, who seed is in itself, on the earth" and it came to be so. "
Honestly half a dozen scriptures in the new testament came to mind today after reading this verse, the highlight being "seed".
Bearing in mind that Father was showing me with this chapter that its our spiritual growth from darkness to light: imperfection to perfection. Now coming back and reading this I see this is the 3rd day of our journey with Him: bearing seed. What does scripture say our seed is? Is it not our calling, and the gifts we're given that tie in with that calling?
If so, let us remember Matt 25:14-30/Luke 19:12-28 where each man's given a set amount of talents. He then decides how he wishes to invest/guard it while the master is away. Those whom invested it and got a return, were told " Well done, good and faithful slave (servant). You were faithful over a few things; I shall set you over many. Enter into the joy of your lord."
Day 3 in our walk is therefore all about growing in the giftings He's given us and investing them into His Kingdom and into His people for His glory! Amein.
He has given us all unique giftings and we are not to be jealous or envious of the giftings of others, but to know the giftings we have are for a purpose: As seeds to grow His Kingdom.
I'll admit I feel Im on this 3rd day at the moment so this rings true, and brings this revelation as fresh news to me, as He inspires me in new and interesting ways to enjoy these gifts Hes blessed me with.
Beyond this 3rd day, i'll leave in His hands, as I hope you shall too as you seek His face regarding His scriptures. (Hosea 6:3)
Daniel 12:4 tells us how our Father sealed up many secrets for end times, and as many of us feel we are in the end times, so we should expect an out pouring of His Spirit: ie an intense outpouring of Him and His revelations, dreams, truth and wisdom, love and direction ;)