Shalom and welcome!

Father has laid it upon my heart to use my giftings together with His revelations, to draw people into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. I pray that as you read through this site, that you may come to an even deeper understanding of His word and of His heart for you, and for others around us. More so, I pray that when you leave, you will do so feeling edified with an even stronger desire to seek Him. Keep your eyes on Him, always!

10 June 2016

Is it bad?

Tell me is it bad
That romance is different for me
I don't need roses
Or a bunch of beautiful flowers
I don't need strawberries
Or the champagne to go with it
I don't need idealistic words
I don't need a date under the stars
I don't need to test you in bed
And i don't care how much you earn
Or how big your house is
None of this matters to me

Tell me is it bad
That what moves my heart
Is to see happiness in one's eyes
That unguarded excitement
All i desire is all your heart
Given freely without fear
I am happy to hear you talk
Share with me all that matters
Let me into your world
Let my spontaneity unravel
All your defenses and doubts
I want you to feel truly free
Be who you are deep within

Tell me is it bad
That i would rather build a life
Alongside someone special to me
That i would like to share with you
Life's struggles and hardships
I would love to wake up every day
In your arms greeted by your kiss
When i leave to go to work
I remember your perfume
Thinking of your smile
And the memories we've made
Keeps my heart warm and content

Is it bad
That i see romance as such:
Having long walks talking about life
Seeing your heart through your eyes
Learning about all that you are
Being able to see all your good traits
And even all the bad in balance
Discovering how much i care
About all that matters to you
And finding my tastes change
To be more like you
As our hearts sync together
Preparing us for life together
Where we will have each others' back
And have similar interests
And completely different interests

Tell me is it bad
That i am simple in love
I dont connect material items
With romance or love
But rather i prefer affection
Uniquely shared between us alone
I am not ambitious or career-driven
Even though i daydream constantly
I would rather think of you alone
This is who i am

Tell me is it bad
I ask you sincerely
Do not make decisions for us both
Without first asking me
Don't walk away from us
Even with good intentions
I don't need the stars
If i don't have the one i love
If I'm feel insecure or cold
Just hold me tight
Whisper in my ears kindly
That you are here for good

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