Shalom and welcome!

Father has laid it upon my heart to use my giftings together with His revelations, to draw people into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. I pray that as you read through this site, that you may come to an even deeper understanding of His word and of His heart for you, and for others around us. More so, I pray that when you leave, you will do so feeling edified with an even stronger desire to seek Him. Keep your eyes on Him, always!

26 May 2011

Spiritual War

The hour has come brethren
Fall not into your beds to sleep
play not your games of children
Arise and take your posts!

Watchmen sound the cry
Warriors assemble as one
Archers position your arrows
For the enemy draws near!

Worry not your mind nor soul
Put your fears behind you
For our King shall go before us
Preparing the way for victory!

Know the face of your enemies
Understand their strategies
Proceed not forth in ignorance
Remember your King always!

For on this very day you live
By the promise of His word
Your King has surely delivered
This enemy into your hands!

Forget not His teachings
Guard your heart true
That you fall not into pride
For surely the humble are praised!

Inspired by YHVH, Written by me For you...

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