Shalom and welcome!

Father has laid it upon my heart to use my giftings together with His revelations, to draw people into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. I pray that as you read through this site, that you may come to an even deeper understanding of His word and of His heart for you, and for others around us. More so, I pray that when you leave, you will do so feeling edified with an even stronger desire to seek Him. Keep your eyes on Him, always!

06 August 2015

Hopelessly patient

I find myself on a cliff's edge
I'm dangerously close to my end
My heart's beating out my chest

Yet in this moment right here
I feel so alive so free
As the wind brushes my skin

Falling in love is very much so
Yet even as my fears scream out
These feelings I feel inside comfort me

A part of me is afraid I'm alone in this 
That I am pushing myself too far
Into my own imagination and desires

Yet a part of me is relentless
I feel hope has completely taken over
Leaving me hopelessly patient...

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